Green & Gold Envy

It’s interesting to see how people–as individuals– interpret color. Especially in terms of dress. We all understand how clothing and the way we wear it is a form of personal expression, so is that equally as true for the way we wear color? Does how we wear color say something about ourselves? Hmm…something to ponder.

In college I had to take a few textiles classes and I would pinpoint that as when my personal interest in color began. Learning more about color theory and how colors interact with each other was suuuper intriguing, and to this day I keep a color wheel handy to refer to when working on projects–especially when related to design and sewing. And it seems more often than not do I favor complementary color pairings, since they usually make pretty striking combinations.

Why all this talk about color? Well I’ve decided to jump on the #sewhappycolor train…I intended to join earlier in the month except other life priorities showed up. So, if you’re wondering what this train is, visit for more deets. ;) This week’s color theme is GREENS. I have a decent amount of green in my wardrobe and in so many shades that I could be mistaken for a tree in the Cleveland Metroparks. ;) The route I took with this ensemble is a bit more muted and subtle in usage of greens.

Green and peach combo=love. 8)

I snagged up this vintage pleated skirt from a thrift store a while back. When I saw it was 100% silk and only a few bucks, it was a no brainer. The soft jade shade is definitely a great color for Spring and also mixes really well with gold (I mean, doesn’t everything? ;) )

This gold jacket may be one of my all time favorite makes (using all time favorite jacket pattern #v7975). Fellow sewists, you know that not everything you make is a winner, amiright? It’s the sad truth we all have to accept. But this shiny number has earned a gold medal in my book. Ha! :D Anyway, the gold fabric is pretty cool (check out this earlier post for more) and it is surprisingly warm…which could be good or bad, I suppose. In this case, and taking pictures outside in early March, the warmth was definitely a good thing. ;)

These are vintage earrings that I upcycled a bit. I used nail polish to update them! I used a few coats of green and then finished them with a clear coat. As you can see from the before and after pic, an update was needed. ;)

This belt is one of the first belts I made. It’s definitely not stellar quality since I made it out of grosgrain ribbon, but honestly the color combo is what inspired it. And recently I was sifting through a bunch of old clothes I made and stumbled across this belt which I had forgotten I stashed away. Honestly, I think the buckle is the best part–gimme anything tortoise shell!

What are some of your favorite color combos? Do you favor some more than others?

Jacket, top, belt-memade; Skirt & earrings-vintage; Shoes-Nine West (DSW, years ago, similar here)

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